Tanjidul Islam
2 min readOct 22, 2020


Technology ruined it !

Human connection is a blessing. As a social being everybody is needed to be connected to each other. At least we can talk about our family members. As I am a native Bangladeshi , I would like to share these thoughts fully based on Bangladeshi culture, intimacy among people and relationship. Let’s go back to about 30 years from now. The most common technology then was the landline phone ( was not available to most of the people ), there was not plenty of electricity all over the country. Families were not nuclear then. It was the time when Bangladesh was on her way to be industrially developed. When there was going to be any family program, the way to invite other family members, guests was to go to their places or sending letters. Most of the time someone from the family used to reach places to invite people. As a result, the connection between people remained strong. The intimacy with not only the family members but also the friends were at it’s best. There were no social sites where everybody is only virtually connected, where everyone share their thoughts just by typing, no expression of emotions or feelings. The number of breaking relationships , divorces are increasing alarmingly. Although the major reason behind this is not the technology, people are getting influenced by the wrong side of these technologies. Now a days we are actually drained inside technology. Almost all of us log in to Facebook or Instagram or whatever just after getting up in the morning. We want to keep ourselves updated with most recent devices. We never actually think of a minimalist style of living. Lets see a statistic of growth of mobile phone users in Bangladesh :

( It showed subscription per 100 inhabitants in Bangladesh)

Year 2000 : 0.22%

Year 2005 : 6.47%

Year 2010 : 46.03%

Year 2014 : 82.1%

Year 2018 : 97.28%

Source : [ https://www.statista.com/statistics/501942/mobile-cellular-subscriptions-per-100-inhabitants-in-bangladesh/]

It clarifies our diversion towards technology. Technology is never a bad thing. It has made our life easier out of imagination. But we should keep in mind that we have to be more selective while choosing technologies. Life is not all about programmed devices.



Tanjidul Islam

Never push your life to go along the way you want.